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The Shared.Futures SciArt Fellowship Program

The Shared.Futures Fellowship Program is a five-month workshop. Fellows are paired in artist-scientist teams and work collaboratively to create sci-art.  The workshop culminates in a final sci-art exhibit at Explora Museum in Albuquerque, NM. 

From January through April, fellows meet regularly to build skills in science communication, storytelling, DEI training, and more. During this time, the artist-scientist pairs also craft their sci-art piece with mentorship and support from the Shared.Futures collective. Sci-art teams will also create an interactive activity to engage youth in STEAM (science, technology, engineering, art, mathematics). The program runs annually.

About our fellows: Shared.Futures Fellows are local artists and research scientists who live in the Albuquerque metro area who are interested in interdisciplinary collaboration and transformative futures. Fellows receive a stipend and are reimbursed for material costs. 

Learn more at our upcoming event: 2024 Shared.Futures Program Applicants Meet and Greet

Location: Draft & Table in UNM Student Union Building (SUB)

Time: November 7, 5:00 - 6:30 pm

Who: Any interested scientsts & artists. Please join us to learn more about the organizational structure of our program and potentially meet your artist/scientist partner for the SciArt program.

This year's calendar: Applications are due by November 21, 2023. Fellows will be notified of their acceptance by December 1. The program will start in January and will end in May. Meetings take place on bi-monthly Tuesday evenings between 5-7pm. The sci-art interactive activity will be presented at Explora Museum's Meet a Scientist and Artist on April 6, 2024, 10-1pm. The final exhibit event will take place at Explora Museum's Adult Night on April 19, 2023. Key dates are listed below:

Have any questions? Let us know at